Learning, Your Way.

McGraw Hill's Access platform provides medical learners a library of industry-leading online resources and interactive learning solutions authored by the best minds in medicine.

Resources For


Dozens of textbooks written by top experts in the field covering your medical and health sciences education


Hundreds of videos to learn topics or see real procedures in a clinical setting


1000+ cases developed using real-world scenarios to help learners master clinical knowledge

Review Questions

1000+ review questions covering all core areas of study

Exclusive Features for Students At Subscribing Institutions

  • Get access to the Access app
  • Sign in from anywhere
  • Favorite resources and organize your favorites into collections
  • Get access to exclusive content, including practice questions and cases

Always Have Your Library with You

  • Access your resources wherever you are - quick reference, videos, figures, tables, podcasts, infographics, textbooks and more
  • Manage your favorites and collections from within the app
  • Save resources to go back to later or view offline